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Safeguarding - Quick Links

 ACT Early to help spot the signs that someone might be vulnerable to radicalisation 

Research shows that family and friends are best placed to spot the signs that someone might be vulnerable to radicalisation. We want to ensure that people ACT Early so their vulnerable friend or loved one is safeguarded and receive the support they need before the situation escalates into something more serious. This is even more important than ever with people spending more time online and away from family and friends.  

Recent studies have found that the public are unsure of signs to look out for and who to turn to when they have concerns. A new safeguarding website has been launched aimed at family and friends to encourage them to share concerns that a friend or loved one might be vulnerable to radicalisation. www.actearly.uk 

If you have concerns relating to an individual, you can also contact the Council’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0161 770 7777 (Monday to Friday: 8.40am – 5.00pm).  To report an immediate threat to life or property, call 999 or the police anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321

Parenting Smart (Place2Be)

The children's mental health charity, Place2Be, has launched a new website aimed at helping parents with typical situations they can find themselves in with their children.

Advice can be found on over forty topics including:

  • Understanding sibling rivalry?
  • My child is lying, what does it mean, what should I do?
  • My child has trouble going to sleep
  • My child says ‘I hate you!’
  • Cultural identity: who am I?

The Parenting Smart website can found here: https://parentingsmart.place2be.org.uk/

Report Harmful Content | SWGfL


  Click on the image for more information 


Your Voice Matters - A safe space for students to give feedback CLICK HERE


  Speak to or email someone about any worry, anytime 08000 28 22 23

                                                        Give information on crime anonymously and safely 0800 555 111



We can help families


Citizens Advice home





Tameside Oldham and Glossop Mind (togmind.org)


Shout - UK's 24/7 Crisis Text Service for Mental Health Support | Shout 85258 (giveusashout.org) Shout is a free, confidential, anonymous service for anyone in the UK. It won’t appear on your phone bill. To start a conversation, text the word 'SHOUT' to 85258.




KOOTH - Your online mental wellbeing community


 Mental health | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (thecalmzone.net)


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