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We strive to work with parents and the public to ensure that enquiries and concerns are well handled and dealt with appropriately. In the first instance we always seek to address issues you may have informally, by phone or in person.

The number of complaints registered under formal procedure during the preceding academic years are: Click here

If you wish to ask a question or raise a concern regarding your child, please contact their form tutor in the first instance. For more serious or unresolved concerns, please contact their Head of Year.

Year 7 Mr Hardy s.hardy@waterheadacademy.co.uk 

Year 8 Mr Heavens l.heavens@waterheadacademy.co.uk 

Year 9 Mr Richmond l.richmond@waterheadacademy.co.uk 

Year 10 Mrs Connelly   k.connelly@waterheadacademy.co.uk 

Year 11 Mrs Poole j.poole@waterheadacademy.co.uk 

SEND Ms S Nicholson   s.nicholson@waterheadacademy.co.uk 

If you wish to raise a concern regarding the conduct of a member of staff  towards a child or have a general concern in relation to the wellbeing or safety of child at the Academy please contact: Mrs A Taylor Designated Safeguarding Lead. Email:  a.taylor@waterheadacademy.co.uk  or by calling 0161 620 5859 and asking to speak with Mrs A. Taylor.

If you wish to raise a concern about a member of the Academy staff or students in relation to their general conduct please contact:

Mrs Julie Ward PA to Principal

Waterhead Academy,
Huddersfield Road,

Tel: 0161 620 5859
Email: office@waterheadacademy.co.uk

If you have attempted to address issues informally with the Academy using the channels provided and wish to register a complaint to the Principal please contact:

Julie Ward PA to Principal

Waterhead Academy,
Huddersfield Road,

Tel: 0161 620 5859
Email: office@waterheadacademy.co.uk

If you have attempted to address issues informally with the Academy using the channels provided, have subsequently complained directly to the Principal and you are still dissatisfied with the outcome and wish to register a complaint to the Trust please contact;

FAO The CEO Lynda Johnson 

Pennine House
87 Dryclough Road
Crosland Moor

Telephone: 01484503110

Email: office@southpennineacademies.org

If you would like a hard copy of the complaints policy, please contact Julie Ward PA to Principal.